samedi 22 mai 2010


Personal blooming depends into large part of the quantity and of the quality of the received body contacts, it is an essential element for structuring the personality.

Nothing is more suave that a Californian Massage when the hand of the masseur calms and envelope your body. This euphoriant Massage alleviates the tensions and stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation.

By pressures, kneadings and frictions, this massage unties the back and the nape of the neck, softens the articulations and hardens the muscles. Particularly effective for all the sportsmen it supports the elimination of the lactic acid produced during musculation sessions and thus allows a faster recovery after the effort.

The entirety of the body is massed with oil, wich softens the skin and and supports the fluidity of the gesture. The Californian Massage acts on all the levels : physics, emotional, psychic, energy.

Benefits of the Californian massage

This powerful and dynamic massage provides many benefits:

- wellbeing maintenance
- stress tensions relief
- general tensions slackening
- hardens the muscles
- stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation
- helps eliminate toxins- reinforces vitality (drainage)
- softens skins- softens articulations

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